words about weeds
Words about Weeds with Just Language
I fortuitously got mixed up with this group called Just Language. Christopher Widmaier, Danielle Bunch, Lisa Fink and Celeste Williams interrogate our language around invasive species. Join in the dialogue and effort to make our conservation language more inclusive and purge terms like “invasive” and “alien” that have racist, prejudiced and xenophobic implications.
Just Language on Green Collar Collaborations https://greencollarcollaborations.com/index.php/just-language-in-ecology-education/. The following organizations, businesses, and individuals have provided resources to make this project possible: Clayton County Water Authority and Green Collar Collaborations
Brainstorm found here from Just Language Group https://padlet.com/edb343/1w8mhv0r0rcahrix
Inglis, M. I. (2020). Wildlife Ethics and Practice: Why We Need to Change the Way We Talk About ‘Invasive Species’. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 1-15.
Nicholas J. Reo & Laura A. Ogden (2018) “Anishnaabe Aki: An Indigenous Perspective on the Global Threat of Invasive Species” Sustainability Science
Warren, C. R. (2007). Perspectives on the alien 'versus native' species debate: a critique of concepts, language and practice. Progress in Human Geography, 31(4), 427-446.
2021 King County Noxious Weed List is official (name changes) https://kingcountyweeds.com/2021/02/18/2021-king-county-noxious-weed-list-is-official/
Stop AAPI Hate https://stopaapihate.org/
Music on this episode was created by Jesse Gallagher and Chris Haugen
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